Many Christians struggle—not because God isn’t working in their lives, but because they have been conditioned by religion to have a distorted view of who He really is.

Jesus came to obliterate every false belief about God that holds us back. He came to reveal the true nature of the Father, and when we understand this truth, everything changes.

The Great Exchange: Jesus Took It All for You

Jesus, I’m fellowshipping with You in Your suffering. You suffered so that I could receive the exchange:

  • You took my pain so that I could be healed.
  • You took my sin so that I could be forgiven and made righteous.
  • You took my curse so that I could walk in blessing.

📖 “Blessed coming in, blessed going out, blessed in the city, blessed in the field…” (Deuteronomy 28:6)

Yet, most Christians never interpret this correctly because they’ve been brainwashed by religion into believing they have to earn God’s favor.

🚨 I don’t mean to offend your religion—I mean to obliterate it. 🚨

Religion has told you:
❌ God helps those who help themselves.
❌ You have to prove your worth before He blesses you.
❌ God disciplines you with suffering and hardship.

But here’s the truth:
✅ God helps the helpless. (Romans 5:6)
✅ We are saved because we were helpless and hopeless.
✅ Jesus suffered so that we don’t have to.

Jesus Came to Destroy Every Misconception About God

📖 John 14:9 (NIV)
“Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

Jesus obliterated every false belief about God that man had accumulated over 4,000 years.

You will never understand God without the Bible, and you will never understand the Bible unless you see it through God’s true nature—love.

Many people say, “The Bible is hard to understand.”
That’s because they read it with a distorted lens, thinking God is harsh, judgmental, or distant.

When you understand God is love, the Bible makes sense.
When you see Jesus as the full picture of Godyou will never doubt His goodness again.

God Has Made Up His Mind About You

God does not change His nature.

📖 Numbers 23:19 (NIV)
“I am not a man that I should lie… I will not change my mind.”

  • God has made up His mind to save you.
  • God has made up His mind to heal you.
  • God has made up His mind to bless you.
  • God has made up His mind to prosper you.
  • God has made up His mind to protect you.

The question is not “Will God help me?”—the question is, “Will I believe what He already did for me?”

Religion vs. Relationship: The Battle for Your Mind

Religion has distorted the view of God, making people believe:

❌ God disciplines with sickness and hardship.
❌ Poverty and suffering are part of His will.
❌ You have to perform well enough to deserve His love.

But let’s get real:
💡 If poverty was God’s teaching tool, why are millions of children suffering from hunger?
💡 If sickness was God’s lesson, why did Jesus heal everyone who came to Him?

🚨 God is NOT the author of disease, disaster, or poverty. 🚨
Satan brought those things into the world through Adam’s sin—but through Jesus’ obedience, God brought healing, salvation, and abundance.

📖 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)
“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”

If Jesus took our sin, curse, and punishment, then why do we still act like we have to carry it?

God is STILL Healing Today

God is still in the business of healing people—both supernaturally and through medical advancements.

Every breakthrough in medicine and technology came from God’s wisdom, even if the world refuses to acknowledge it.

📖 James 1:17 (NIV)
“Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father.”

Healing is God’s will. Provision is God’s will. Peace is God’s will.

Stop Fixing Your Eyes on the Wrong Things

Many people live defeated lives because they focus on:
👀 Their problems instead of God’s promises.
👀 Their mistakes instead of God’s mercy.
👀 Their guilt instead of God’s grace.
👀 Their failures instead of Christ’s victory.

📖 Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
“Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”

When you fix your eyes on Jesus, you will stop worrying about:
❌ Whether you measure up.
❌ Whether you’ve prayed enough.
❌ Whether you’ve been “good enough.”

Your righteousness is not based on your works. It’s based on Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

The Enemy’s Greatest Trick: Distorting Your View of God

Satan doesn’t need to convince you that God doesn’t exist—he just needs to convince you that God is different from who He really is (Love, Father).

📖 1 John 3:8 (NIV)
“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.”

What is the work of the devil?
🔹 Painting God as angry, distant, and punishing.
🔹 Making you feel guilty, condemned, and unworthy.
🔹 Telling you that you have to “earn” God’s favor.

🚨 This is why Jesus came—to obliterate every lie about God.

God Is Always Good—No Exceptions

Religion says:
❌ “God is sometimes good and sometimes harsh.”
❌ “God might bless you, but He might also punish you.”
❌ “God gives sickness to teach lessons.”

But what does the Bible actually say?

📖 Psalm 23:6 (NIV)
“Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.”

📖 Romans 8:32 (NIV)
“He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

Everything God gives is good. Everything bad comes from sin and Satan.

God’s will for you is not sickness, poverty, or struggle—His will is healing, blessing, and peace.

Final Thoughts: Take the Exchange

Whatever you’re dealing with right now—
🔥 Addiction
🔥 Sickness
🔥 Depression
🔥 Financial struggles
🔥 Anxiety

Take the trade. Jesus paid it all on the cross.

📖 Philippians 3:10 (AMP)
“I want to know Him… understanding the remarkable wonders of His Person more completely.”

Are You Ready to Experience True Freedom?

  • Stop believing religious lies about God.
  • Start seeing Him as loving, generous, and faithful.
  • Expect His goodness to follow you every single day.

🙌 How has this changed the way you see God? Share your thoughts in the comments!

🚀 If this message encouraged you, share it with someone who needs to know God’s true nature today!